Reticulated gas system:
For unavailability of Natural gas in residential houses people are using LPG cylinders for cooking purpose. It is risky and causes inconvenience to move in different floors. We provide a full turnkey solution in residential area by the installation of LPG tank and GSU, which is safer and beneficial.
Reticulated system explanations:
LPG-Reticulated skid system control panel controls LPG vaporizer automatically. It also controls if vaporizer is on or off and controls gas leak detector in skid, if there is any leakage, system warns by light and horn.
LPG panel controls pressure of the system to control LPG level in skid cylinders, if pressure less then default value tha means cylinders are getting empty soon that gives technician to change cylinders with new ones.
LPG Vaporizer(red) warms up the liquid LPG to convert it to gas phases. Liquid flow is controlled by solenoid valve placed in access of vaporizer. Temperature also under control by temperature gauges. System consists of gas safety relief valve. All equipment's are Ex-proof. System consist of gas leak detector to control any possible leakage.